Archive for December, 2009


A blintz for every culture

Think about it for a minute. Nearly every culture has some type of pancake wrapped around a filling. Savory or sweet, baked or fried.

Burritos, of course.

And then there are crepes.

Eggrolls, which are probably more western than we’ll admit.

And here are some kati rolls from India.

Vietnamese Spring Rolls.

Palatschinke from Central Europe.

Now, in my mind, I picture a Busby Berkeley musical scene with chorus girls coming down the stage with blintz head dresses. But that’s just me.

Posted on 12/22/09



I’ve decided to give you a little gift for my birthday.
First, a little background. In September I suffered from a detached retina in my right eye. It was surprising, horrifying and frightening all at once. During my various treatments, procedures and recovery I had to remain absolutely still, with my eyes fixed forward. For over 4 weeks. Needless to say, the Internet was my friend.
I spent a large chunk of time online. I polished my Twitter skills & made a bunch of groovy new friends. I surfed a lot. I started this blog.
So, in honor of MY birthday, I’d like to share some fun I have discovered. This will also give you a peek into my psyche, which could go either way for us.
But wait! It *is* the holiday season. Tell you what, we’re going to combine this birthday gift with a holiday gift. You feel gypped? Tough. My parents pulled that crap on me every year of my life.

Blogs- These blogs were all (except CakeWrecks) discovered through Twitter.
OurAnnoyingWorld His take on balloon boy was dead on, and I just like the way he thinks.
BakeMyFish I think he is the oracle of Twitter
Ruthakers the daily life of a funny mom with a really cute brood
Cakewrecks Every day it is entertaining. Genius

Sites and othe stuff:

Apelad‘s flickr photostream is a great place to see creativity in action, and have a laugh.

Archie McPhee Where to go when you need bacon mints.
Grocery lists Been reading this for years. The commentary is as funny as the spelling.
IMDb Settles every argument, every time.
Urban Dictionary When I want to see what the young kids are talking about.
Veer Going here for years for whatever creative mojo I need.

A special shout out to some Twitter friends ALSO celebrating birthdays on the 10th. Happy Birthday @HemiRT5pt7 and @CinderellaJoey. I am bringing the rum cake to the party.

posted 12.7.09

December 2009